Development Articles

One of our company mottos is “Think. Code. Repeat.” At Buink, we pride ourselves on being a website development company that not only codes but thinks deeply about every project. We do a significant portion of that thinking right here in these articles. As a web development agency, our articles reflect our current mindset on a plethora of topics related to software development services.

We’re not just another web design firm; we try to be thoughtful about every aspect of our service. Our commitment is evident in the way we approach challenges, always looking for innovative solutions rather than settling for the status quo. We spend a considerable amount of energy pondering why we choose certain strategies, ensuring we never opt for a method simply because it’s the traditional route.

Our expertise spans from Laravel development to WordPress maintenance, and we’ve penned articles on everything from website pricing to deployment models, our unique value proposition, and the importance of website maintenance. If you’re looking to hire developers or seeking the best SEO agency for local SEO services, you’re in the right place. We also delve into the nuances of onshore and nearshore software development and the benefits it brings to businesses.

So, whether you’re interested in digital marketing, SEO services, or just want to learn more about the industry, pull up a chair. With our blend of technical prowess and insights, you just might discover something invaluable. And as you dive deeper, you’ll find several web and mobile development articles that showcase our expertise and passion.

Outsourcing Web Development


Outsourcing Web Development: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide. Whether you’ve got a great idea and are looking for technical support to make it a reality or you’re running an established enterprise and want to remove something from your managerial plate, outsourcing web development can be a smart move.  Outsourcing your web work can also be a Read More: Outsourcing Web Development

Compensation Diversity | The Successful Non-technical Leader


This article continues the discussion on tips for non-technical founders. You can check out all the tips in our free Guide to Tech Projects for Non-technical Leaders. The five most common ways to compensate developers are: equity only, low salary + equity, salary, high hourly (fractional gigs), fixed bid. The option you choose is going Read More: Compensation Diversity | The Successful Non-technical Leader

How To Create An App (2023)


People used to say “One day every business will need a website.” That day came and went long ago. Now every business needs an app. Most people spend a lot of time on their phone every single day; apps take advantage of this, allowing organizations to reach their customers, members, and donors in a continuous Read More: How To Create An App (2023)

Why Hire Buink?


As a web development company, we are dedicated to providing high-quality and innovative solutions for our clients. Our team of experienced and talented developers is skilled in a variety of programming languages and technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. We take a collaborative and customer-focused approach to our work, ensuring that every project is Read More: Why Hire Buink?

Budget Time For Approvals


My first tech project as a non-technical founder was a deals site, like Groupon. I hired a dev team and it turned out to be an over budget, low quality disaster. I’ve talked about it before, but for the purposes of this article, I’ll just say that I remember being frustrated at the development team Read More: Budget Time For Approvals

The Importance of Code Review | Non-technical Leader Tips


I’ve been on big teams working for nationwide brands where no one is formally responsible for code quality. It was a nightmare. Everyone was writing on the same codebase and one bug would halt everyone’s progress. The end client didn’t know the difference because it was all hidden under the pretty user interface, but it Read More: The Importance of Code Review | Non-technical Leader Tips

Hiring Developers | Mindset & Biases


We’ve talked about filtering well and testing developers, now let’s talk about some things to look for when interviewing. It is actually rare that developers can understand and implement business goals effectively. There just aren’t many joint CS and Business programs in the world.  If you’re looking for a technology leader, one thing you’ll want Read More: Hiring Developers | Mindset & Biases

Introducing Website Maintenance Plans


I’m excited to announce our new website maintenance and support contracts! Over several years of working with many technical and business leaders, I’ve found that codebases that get too stale become increasingly risky.  Fresh Code Is Better By “stale” I mean codebases where no one does any of the following things regularly: builds, updates, tests, Read More: Introducing Website Maintenance Plans

Buink Web Development
Based on 8 reviews
Cycle S.
Cycle S.
Buink generously helped us optimize our Google Ads for an upcoming community event. He expertly walked us through our dashboard making precise recommendations that helped us launch a successful campaign. Google Ads were much more difficult to get going than we anticipated, so we were very grateful for the advice.